Anatomical Planes | Animated Tutorial

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Anatomical Planes

Studying the human anatomy requires an understanding of the anatomical planes. These planes are used to describe the location of structures, and the types of cuts that are made to view structures.
A plane can be described as a 2D slice in a 3D space.

Imagine a sheet of glass slicing across an upright human body in X, Y and Z axes. This is what we refer to as anatomical planes.
It helps us to describe or localise a structure in the body.
Medical imaging modalities such as Computed Tomography or Magnetic Resonance often use these terms to describe the scans taken in flat slices.

There are three cardinal anatomical planes.

The mid-sagittal or median plane is a vertical plane that divides the body symmetrically into right and left parts.
The coronal or frontal plane is also a vertical plane but divides the body into front and back parts.
The transverse plane is a horizontal plane that divides the body into a top and bottom parts.

You can learn more on these terminologies through our published lectures and Screens.

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