School Mentor Programme

Описание к видео School Mentor Programme

The School Mentor Programme is an innovative partnership project between Vision Academy Learning Trust, Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and Catalyst.

The mentoring programme operates within Five schools (Egglescliffe School, Laurence Jackson School, Guisborough, St John the Baptist Primary School, Stockton, Harewood Primary School, Thornaby and Huntcliff School Saltburn) where volunteers mentor students who have been identified to be at risk of under-performing, with specific reference to students who are disadvantaged, vulnerable and children/young people in Local Authority care.

The mentoring programme includes a series of activities to address any issues or barriers to learning and achieving positive outcomes in school and aims to make a significant, lasting impact on a young person’s future. Volunteer Mentors provide 1:1 support to a young person in one of the partnership schools, helping to identify future goals, build confidence, self-esteem and resilience.

For more information and how you could support this valuableprogramme visit


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