Jonathan Baker

Описание к видео Jonathan Baker

Jonathan Baker
Born in: Elizabethton, TN
Lived here: 32 years
Interview location: The McKinney Center, Franklin Avenue
In 1992, Jonathan’s family found land in Jonesborough where they could build a house. At that point, he did not know what he would get into. He went to Daniel Boone High School. He started helping with the International Storytelling Festival in 2004. He started helping with the Jonesborough Repertory Theatre in 2006. Leon Overbay eventually convinced him to get involved with the StoryTown Radio Show at the McKinney Center.
“Leon was my dear friend. When we first started the Radio Show he usually helps me with the words and the scripts because some of the words I couldn’t get out, so he usually helps me. And he gives me a ride home a lot. And actually he’s the one that talked me into doing the first “I Am Home” play here. I came and saw what they had done in the spring. I believe it was 2010, that’s the year they done it. But he talked me into it and told me, ‘Jonathan, they’re having auditions for “I Am Home” play. Do you want to come out and try it?’ And I said, ‘You know, I’ll do it.’ I came out and tried it and got in.”


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