Lucas Schmidt

Описание к видео Lucas Schmidt

Lucas Schmidt
Born in: Johnson City, TN
Lived here: 15 years
Interview location: Jonesborough Repertory Theatre, Main Street
For Lucas’ first shows at the JRT, he played drums for the 1940s USO show. He then studied at Milligan College and started performing at the JRT. He said he never had a one-moment decision to stay. He kept doing shows, never wanted to stop, and now considers the theatre as his chosen family. Lucas continues to be a volunteer performer and works as the House Manager.
“I wasn’t big on performing in front of people. Then in college, I don’t know why, I realized I was able to sing confidently… I did a lot of mockery, privately in my car. I’d like mock an opera singer, not to be mean, but to like *sings opera*. I didn’t know what they were singing, but I’d just kinda sing along. And one day I thought, ‘If I can sound like them to make fun of them, then I guess I’m actually singing? I can sing, I suppose.’ And I decided to audition for the USO instead of play for it. And then, from there, I enjoyed it more than playing. And that’s when I decided to perform. I guess I was twenty one when I started actively, heavily performing on stage… I like performing in front of people, mostly to make them laugh, that’s my favorite thing, is making laughter occur. Or, second place is scaring… so frightening people, but in a light-hearted way.”


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