Super easy DIY Christmas Villages Steps!

Описание к видео Super easy DIY Christmas Villages Steps!

Super Easy DIY Christmas Village Steps Using Cork Sheets!
For list of materials, check out our Amazon Picks! Just go to our link tree and click on Amazon picks!

In this guide, we will show you how to make Christmas village steps using cork sheets! without the need for styrofoam carving or exposure to styrofoam fumes.
The cork sheets provide the perfect texture for a realistic-looking cement finish. Let's get started!

Materials Needed:
- Cork sheets (thick enough to create steps- check our Amazon Picks )
- Scissors, craft knife, or craft hand saw
- Paper glue or hot glue gun
- Gray acrylic paint or Vallejo texture paint
- Paintbrush

Begin by planning the size and shape of your Christmas village steps. Start with the longer cork sheet, which will serve as the base. Cut it to the desired length and width.
Next, cut additional cork sheets into smaller sizes to create the individual steps. Remember to cut each step slightly smaller than the previous one to create a cascading effect.
Using paper glue or a hot glue gun, carefully glue each step onto the previous one, building your way up. Make sure the steps are aligned and securely attached. Allow the glue to dry completely before proceeding.

Once the glue has dried, it's time to paint the steps. You can use either gray acrylic paint or Vallejo texture paint, both of which work well for creating a cement-like appearance. Apply one coat of paint to the entire surface of the steps, including the sides and edges. Allow the paint to dry completely.

After the paint has dried, you can add any additional decorations or details to enhance the Christmas village steps.

By following these simple steps, you can create a realistic and visually appealing set of Christmas village steps using cork sheets. The absence of styrofoam carving and texturizing makes this DIY project quick and easy. Happy crafting!

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