Should you look up at the basketball when you shoot? | NBA Shooting Coach Dave Love

Описание к видео Should you look up at the basketball when you shoot? | NBA Shooting Coach Dave Love

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This is a hot coaching debate, and like most things, the answer isn't black or white - the answer is somewhere in the middle.

I try to think about the WORST CASE SCENARIO.

If I teach you to stay focussed on the target (and I would) then either you are going to be looking at the thing you are aiming for... or you might look up after the ball is out of your hand. Not a big deal, the ball is already gone.

But if I teach you to look up at the ball, you might start to look earlier and earlier until you develop the habit of looking before the ball is out of your hand.

So THINK about staying locked on the target. Nothing bad will happen if you do.


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