Complete Workout for a Wider & Thicker Back

Описание к видео Complete Workout for a Wider & Thicker Back

Looking to get wider lats and more thickness and detail in your back? In this video I combine everything we learned from past videos and bring it all together in a complete back workout.

We first start this workout in the gym with reverse grip pulldowns that we superset with cable pulldowns to really target the lats. Then we move over to rows where we combine a single arm dumbbell row, pulled high, to target the middle traps, and build thickness in your back. We superset this with an underhand grip bar row, pulled low, to target the lats. We also talk about how to incorporate cable rows. Last we finish everything off with two different finisher exercises for wider lats: the dumbbell pullover and a straight arm pushdown. I did however forget to include hyperextensions for strengthening your spinal erectors and building detail in your low back. Please make sure to check out my past ATT video on "Building Thickness in your Back" for more details on that.

All this combined is the ultimate how-to on the best exercises for building both a wider, thicker and bigger back.


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