
Описание к видео as/random8mberylyao

#alchemystars #白夜極光

run was yolo for the first half, then i trial&errored a tiny bit and only mapped the last chain.
isnt anything special but i was surprised about the score and wanted to share since most other teams focus on the captain etc and this one just.. idek what it does lmao, but ended up w an alright score
also yao is bugged.. helps beryl in this case but it actually makes her less viable..

i tried a couple other chars, for example cuscuta/mythos get 7.5m with this score lmao. yao just barely outdoes louise here (louise only uses 2 skills on this lineup) sp i guess this path just does a little bit of everything since all kinds of random chats got similar scores on it

music: galactic voyage - pixl


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