
Описание к видео as/random9.5mberylareia

#白夜極光 #alchemystars

took 6h or smth
the path was yolo at the start and progressively was mapped more and more~ took me another half a day to get the last 3 rounds working lmao. that part of the sequence was really cool, but i rly just needed to get the 15chains back to back to have another siobactive. the fact that i didnt want to change any of the start restricted my options for the last 3 rounds quite a lot, but im happy i found a way through ^^'

the path initially used louise and therefore made sure to burst every 3 rounds for her active while also giving areia decent surrounds for normals every 2nd round.. ended up dropping louise bcs beryl got 200k extra hehe
unfortunately the louise-variant needed louises heal to survive so i had to remap the last 3 rounds again in order to avoid an attack lmao

massive damage fighter X remix - sabrepulse
削いで、 - r906


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