[芒果椰汁西米露]簡單易做無難度,椰汁香濃,芒果香滑,西米Q彈Mango Sago with Coconut Milk easy to make, Fragrant, Smooth Delicious

Описание к видео [芒果椰汁西米露]簡單易做無難度,椰汁香濃,芒果香滑,西米Q彈Mango Sago with Coconut Milk easy to make, Fragrant, Smooth Delicious

How to make Mango Sago with Coconut Milk at home?
Below I will teach you how to make Mango Sago with Coconut Milk at home



1. 將1500毫升水煲滾邊加入西米邊攪拌直至水再次滾起,轉中大火滾10分鐘 待西米轉為半透明狀態後然後蓋上煲蓋關火焗5分鐘
2. 待西米轉為透明狀態後 倒起過冷河用
3. 將1500毫升水加入冰糖 待冰糖溶化後加入椰漿及西米 攪等勻 再滾起後關火 放涼後再放入雪櫃備用
4. 芒果洗淨去皮 切粒
5. 切粒後的芒果分為兩份 一份先放入保鮮盒然後放入雪櫃備用
6. 將另外一份用攪拌機打成汁 放入保鮮盒然後放入雪櫃備用
7. 大慨2小時後 將雪凍的材料取出 按個人喜歡的次序將椰汁西米芒果粒及芒果汁加入 即成

[Mango Sago with Coconut Milk]

3 large mangoes
170g sago
A can of coconut milk
100g rock sugar
3000ml water

1. Boil 1500 mL water in a pot, add sago and stir until the water boils again, turn to medium-high heat and stir for 10 minutes, then cover the pot and turn off the heat and leave for 5 minutes
2. Wait for the sago to be translucent then strain it and rinse with cold water and put aside
3. Add 1500ml of water to rock sugar, until rock sugar to dissolve. Add coconut milk and sago. Bring it to a boil, turn off the heat, let it cool, and then put it in the refrigerator for later use.
4. Wash, peel and dice the mango
5. Divide the diced mango into two potion and put one in crisper and keep in the refrigerator for later use
6. Blend another portion into juice with a blender and put it in crisper and keep in the refrigerator for later use
7. Around 2 hours later, take out the ingredients and add the coconut milk sago, diced mango, and mango juice in the order you like. Then serve

嗨! 我是Christine,多謝收看!如果喜歡我的視頻別忘記點讚、訂閱及分享,如有問題亦可留言給我。 下次再見!

Hi, I'm Christine, thanks for watching! If you like my video, don't forget to like, subscribe, and share, and you can leave me a message if you have any questions. see you later!

Christine's Kitchen    / @christineskitchen-hk  
Instagram   / christineskitchen22  
Facebook: Christine's Kitchen

background music: Everything Has a Beginning - Joel Cummins (YouTube)

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