Max Reger Introduktion, Variationen und Fuge fis-moll op.73 Berlin Dom SauerOrgan Cor van Wageningen

Описание к видео Max Reger Introduktion, Variationen und Fuge fis-moll op.73 Berlin Dom SauerOrgan Cor van Wageningen

Max Reger 1873-1916

Introduktion, Variationen und Fuge über ein Originalthema fis-moll op. 73 1903
Berliner Dom Sauer Orgel 1905
Cor van Wageningen

A warm-hearted, friendly and comforting piece, provided that it is played on a large German organ of Regers era like the one being played here.

Autograph displayed integrally

Excerpt from
Max Reger Repräsentative Orgelwerke Vol. III ToccaTa Records Ridderkerk©

Acknowledgements: Helge Pfläging, Nicoline Krassenburg - "playing aids co-operators"; Henk van den Burg - producer; Aart van der Waal - audio recording

Review by Christo Lelie in Dutch daily newspaper "Trouw":

The organ works of Max Reger have to be played on large, late-romantic, German organs - hardly to be found in our country. These organs have a rich arsenal of 'foundation stops', which offer many 'colour possibilities', but few clear sounding registers. The most important characteristic is that an ingenious system of swell boxes and "Rollschwellers" can be played with great dynamic expression: stepless, from whisper-soft pianissimo to an overwhelming fortissimo. Max Reger made grateful use of these possibilities. In order to play his works convincingly, dynamic playing aids are therefore a prerequisite. Wisely, Cor van Wageningen has searched for such authentic instruments for his CD series with organ works by Reger. On part 3 he plays one of the most magnificent examples of German organ building from around 1900: the colossal, newly restored Sauer organ in Berlin cathedral from 1905. In the two major works on the CD, chorale fantasy 'Alle Menschen müssen sterben' and 'Introduktion, Variationen und Füge in fis, opus 73', he shows in an exciting way the rich sound possibilities, virtuoso and full of dynamics. The recording is truly sublime.

A.M. Alblas in “Reformatorisch Dagblad”:

A highlight in Reger's oeuvre is his "Introduktion, Variationen und Fuge über ein Originalthema fis-Moll, opus 73" (1903). The length of the piece, more than 38 minutes, does not make it easy for the listener, not to mention the enormous difficulties for the player. At Cor van Wageningen, no effort can be observed. These immense Reger works effortlessly come out from under his fingers and feet. Aart van der Waal has made an excellent recording of it.

René Verwer in classical-music magazine "Luister":

Like the previous CD, the performer chose the Sauer organ (1905, IV/ped/ 113) in the Berlin Cathedral, an absolutely top instrument for Reger and contemporaries, It may be called a miracle that this giant instrument still exists: after the bombardment of 1944, the destroyed dome of the church remained open for nine years (!) and the organ was at the mercy of weather influences and vandalism. It was not until 1991 that it was decided to restore, in which the original disposition became the starting point. The fact that the instrument was unplayable for a long time had the advantage that neo-baroque influences had no chance to 'adjust' the organ. So a preserved treasure trove of 8' stops, low mixtures and other 'dunkle Farbungen'. Especially the stepless (de)crescendi by means of a 'Rollschweller' (sometimes within a few measures from ppp to fff!) make a big impression. Van Wageningen's not too high tempo choice (Haas plays on average 50% faster, Feb.'99, p 36) thrives perfectly in the acoustically lush space: no note is lost as a result and that with a fairly indirect recording makes this CD a very successful one. R.V.


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