Christ Consciousness Solstice Activations Light Language Reiki Angels Spirit Guides and Art

Описание к видео Christ Consciousness Solstice Activations Light Language Reiki Angels Spirit Guides and Art

This solstice ushers in six months that will be an expansion or upgrade to our ability to embody Christ Consciousness. We are receiving many beautiful Golden Energy Light Codes, Diamond Light Codes and Lime-green Light Codes. We are saying yes to this upgrade and we let go of feelings to do with unworthiness or feeling cut off from the divine. We more easily accept the truth of our own Divine Nature and us as a Divine Expression of Source.
We experience more ease in our conscious connection with our higher self, with our multidimensional self and we feel more at ease and confident where we use our soul gifts. Miracles and miraculous living become more natural to us.
We are able to embody our mastery for longer periods and experience spiritual bliss more often.
The Golden Christed Light also combines with the Silver Light from Sophia and forms immensely deep and soothing compassion. This is compassion for everyone on this planet during these times that can often feel volatile. The first phases of ascension often connect us with our shadow selves and the same is true for planetary ascension. The spirit of elk is here as well. We bring compassion to everything within or around us that we have named villainous. This is compassion that is the truth of peace and oneness and unconditional love.
We awaken to our earthangel missions in a new way, in a liberated and golden and pink way. Archangel Chamuel is here to help us with this. Archangel Faith is bringing in white-green and white to help ground our missions in. We start to experience a deeper sense of stability, security, clarity, lightness and ease in our earth missions. Thank you.

#lightlanguage #lightlanguagehealing #lightlanguagetransmission #lightlanguagecodes #reiki #reikienergy #reikihealing #reikihealer #reikivideo #soundhealing #energyhealing #energyhealer #artheals #psychology #counseling #theraphy #psychicreading #channeling #lightworker #earthangel #starseed #christconsciousness #ascension #spiritualawakening #solstice


Extended Healings:
Twin Flame Reunion
Clear Blocks to Money/ Wealth/ Prosperity
Protection & Entity Removal
Heal, Balance & Align 12 Chakras & Minor Chakras
Sexuality Healing
Distrust Healing:
Self-Sabotage Healing
Self Confidence
Freedom Healing, Blessing & Activation
and more:

Donations are always welcome and help me to continue to give to the collective for free, thank you!

For a private Reiki and/ Light Language Consultation or an Art Commission

#lightlanguage #reiki #meditation #angels #channelling #energyhealing #starseeds #starseed #twinflames #art #lightworker #ascension #spiritualhealing #spiritualawakening #spiritualjourney #aliens #archangels #lightlanguagehealing #lightlanguageactivation #lightlanguageart #lightlanguagehealer #reikihealing #reikienergy #reikivideo #energyhealer #soundhealing #counseling #seer #gridworker #earthangel #twinflame #dove #dnaawakening #dnaactivation #dnaactivations #soulretrieval #multidimensionalbeing #multidimensional #multidimensionalhealing #psychology #selfcare #selfcareroutine #hsp #empath #counseling #counselingpsychology #timeline #timelinetherapy #timelineshift #magick

Medical Disclaimer: Please consult your doctor when needed. This is to soothe and clear the energy behind unwanted manifestations and to lift/ shift lower vibrations; to assist you on your awakening’s journey.


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