Toxic Working Environment Healing Light Language Reiki Angels Spirit Guides and Art

Описание к видео Toxic Working Environment Healing Light Language Reiki Angels Spirit Guides and Art

Archangel Uriel please bring compassion and clearing and healing where we were or are employed in a toxic working environment filled with excessive gossip, gaslighting, harassment, where contracts, oral or otherwise, are not respected by the employer, narcissistic behaviour, disrespect, non-inclusivity, unethical practices, cutthroat competition, offensive and aggressive leadership, micromanagement, threatening communication, non-existent communication, unclear communication, discrimination, bullying, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, wages that are lower than the breadline where even if you are employed you are still not able to provide for your basic needs like food, shelter, water, electricity, clothing etc. , working hours that exceeds the legal maximum, no breaks allowed, working for instance for eleven hours without a lunchbreak, excessive workload that keeps on getting added to and work hours/ time getting added to, favouritism and scapegoating, limited growth and development opportunities, lack of recognition and appreciation, a working environment that leads to burnout or us not being able to disengage from work even when we are are not at work, a general feeling of negativity, chaos due to poor leadership, unhealthy boundaries, an atmosphere of hostility, fear and discomfort. Exploitation, corruption, lack of accountability. Thank you. Please clear in our akashic records to and for our bloodlines, thank you.

Please clear all the effects this has had on our health, self-worth and mental health. Thank you.

Archangel Uriel, please activate an ascended template of career and monetary income for us. An activation of thriving and abundance. Connect us with high frequency clients, employers, fellow employees; with fair exchange, high income and high satisfaction; work that is our soul calling as well; activate and expand work stability and income stability. Archangel Gabriel is here as well. Thank you


Extended Healings:
Twin Flame Reunion
Clear Blocks to Money/ Wealth/ Prosperity
Protection & Entity Removal
Heal, Balance & Align 12 Chakras & Minor Chakras
Sexuality Healing
Distrust Healing:
Self-Sabotage Healing
Self Confidence
Freedom Healing, Blessing & Activation
and more:

Donations are always welcome and help me to continue to give to the collective for free, thank you!

For a private Reiki and/ Light Language Consultation or an Art Commission

#lightlanguage #reiki #toxicworkplace #toxicworkenvironment #meditation #angels #channelling #energyhealing #starseeds #starseed #twinflames #art #lightworker #ascension #spiritualhealing #spiritualawakening #spiritualjourney #aliens #archangels #lightlanguagehealing #lightlanguageactivation #lightlanguageart #lightlanguagehealer #reikihealing #reikienergy #reikivideo #energyhealer #soundhealing #counseling #seer #gridworker #earthangel #twinflame #dove #dnaawakening #dnaactivation #dnaactivations #soulretrieval #multidimensionalbeing #multidimensional #multidimensionalhealing #psychology #selfcare #selfcareroutine #hsp #empath #counseling #counselingpsychology #timeline #timelinetherapy #timelineshift #magick

Medical Disclaimer: Please consult your doctor when needed. This is to soothe and clear the energy behind unwanted manifestations and to lift/ shift lower vibrations; to assist you on your awakening’s journey.


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