玉和翡翠最大的分別是什麼? 能以肉眼分辨嗎? What are the biggest differences between Jadeite and Nephrite?

Описание к видео 玉和翡翠最大的分別是什麼? 能以肉眼分辨嗎? What are the biggest differences between Jadeite and Nephrite?

玉和翡翠最大的分別是什麼? 能以肉眼分辨嗎? What are the biggest differences between Jadeite and Nephrite? And how to distinguish them using the naked eye?



翡翠英文是Jadeite , 玉是Nephrite. 是兩種完全不同的礦物。第三點不同是它們的產地。中國有四大名玉,最熟悉的是和田白玉,西安藍田玉,河南獨山玉,遼寧岫玉,而翡翠產於緬甸。

Jade appeared in Chinese history around 8000 years ago, but jadeite only appeared around 600 years ago. Jadeite's hardness is 6.5 - 7 on Mohs scale, while jade (Nephrite) is softer.

Another difference is the origin. Nephrite can be found in various parts of China, while jadeite is mainly from northern Myanmar.

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