40+ minutes of EZ2AC Endless Circulation (Street Mix)

Описание к видео 40+ minutes of EZ2AC Endless Circulation (Street Mix)

This was a capture quality test I decided to do today to check out how well I could capture EZ2AC. Looks pretty good so I will likely roll with these settings for future videos and... yes! Streams too! Hopefully streams will be brought back in June after I move so stick around!

-1st round I played like ass. I closed my garage after that round since the sunlight coming into my garage was giving me reading issues.
-On the song "Stranger" you will see the video slows down for a moment or two. That actually happens IN the song; it is not from capturing. The slowdown on that song is a bug that may or may not have been fixed on Evolve.
-Yes I really did full combo "Good Speed". That was pretty fucking crazy.
-NO I WILL NOT DUMP THIS DATA FOR YOU. I own a legitimate copy of this game, and if you want to play it you can pay for it like I did.


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