What Is Shadow Work? - Teal Swan

Описание к видео What Is Shadow Work? - Teal Swan

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For a lot of people, the term shadow work conjures up all kinds of negative and dark associations. Because of those associations we have with the word shadow, it is easy to think that shadow work is a dark spiritual practice or that it is internal work that involves the more negative or sinister aspects of our personality. In truth, neither is the case. So what exactly is the human shadow? In this episode, Teal explains what shadow work is exactly.

"Shadow Work® is a registered trademark used with permission by Clifford Barry and Shadow Work Seminars, Inc. (www.shadowwork.com) for teaching classes and conducting seminars in the field of psychological self-improvement. Teal Swan, LLC is unrelated to and unaffiliated with Shadow Work Seminars, Inc., claims no ownership or trademark rights in the Shadow Work® trademark and does not offer goods or services under the Shadow Work® trademark. The materials provided on this website have not been created, prepared, approved, or licensed by Shadow Work Seminars, Inc."

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👉 Who Is Teal Swan?

Teal Swan is a New Thought Leader and a Bestselling Author who is an expert in human development and relationships. She has over a decade of experience working with people of all walks of life with a mission to reduce human suffering.

Today, she’s also become an International Speaker, having facilitated retreats and life changing workshops in large venues worldwide. Teal was ranked 15th on The Watkins Most Spiritually Influential Living People in 2023.

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Beginning Song:
Kuan Yin's Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel


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