Do You Have to Be an Priest to Do an Exorcism?

Описание к видео Do You Have to Be an Priest to Do an Exorcism?

0:00 - Introduction
10:37 - Did Peter know he was the first Pope?
14:02 - What is the morality of using VPNs to bypass geo-restrictions on content?
20:40 - Would my mother-in-law who passed prior have met my recently born daughter in heaven?
29:40 - Anything that cannot be backed up book, chapter, and verse in the New Testament did not come from God, it came from the men trying to instruct God”
31:51 - Wouldn’t it have been better for God the Father to lay down his own life rather than his son’s?
35:50 - What is the Catholic church’s teaching on being a soldier?
42:04 - How can I explain the Cherubim and Seraphim hierarchy to a Jehovah Witness?
47:39 - EXORCISM QUESTION: Luke 9:49-50 there is someone other than Apostles exorcizing demons, does this mean that people other than priests can drive out demons?
51:31 - Did the altars in the Old Testament become unsanitary with the amount of blood from sacrifice?


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