Ask Me Anything: Catholicism w/ Jimmy Akin | June 20, 2024 | Catholic Answers Live

Описание к видео Ask Me Anything: Catholicism w/ Jimmy Akin | June 20, 2024 | Catholic Answers Live

Tune into Catholic Answers Live 3-5 PM Pacific Monday through Friday to ask your question!

TOPIC: Ask Me Anything: Catholicism
GUESTS: Jimmy Akin

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00:00 - Introduction
00:02:24 - Could life have come about naturalistically?
00:06:10 - My wife is agnostic. How do I reply to the questions, why should she care, and why should she believe that it's the Christian God that exists?
00:16:39 - My convert friend is asking how do you know when something is dogma vs doctrine?
00:28:45 - Within the holy family, did Joseph have the spiritual authority of Mary and Jesus?
00:30:55 - What is the rule of the magisterium in regard to translation of the bible and why should we heed to those translations?
00:36:08 - How specific does my confession have to be for it to be valid?
00:41:55 - How do we know that St. Ignatius of Antioch's letters are reliable?
00:45:05 - Can an unbaptized person receive the sacrament of confession?
00:47:35 - Has the use of extraordinary ministers of holy communion been abused?
00:52:20 - There are verses in the bible that say that miracles are signs, but it also says the devil will use them. How can the Church confidently say that the miracles it approved of are from God and not the devil?
00:55:00 - 2nd Hour Introduction
00:57:00 - What is the necessity of purification after death but before heaven?
01:10:30 - What is the textual criticism of John 8 and the woman caught in adultery?
01:17:53 - Why is the pope pushing heresy by allowing people to receive communion after a divorce?
01:30:26 - How does one know if they believe in their heart?
01:36:20 - How does Jesus fulfill the prophecy of reuniting all the tribes of Israel?
01:41:18 – What are the requirements for being an apologist?
01:44:39 - My friend asked us to take their children if anything ever happened to them but told us to not baptize them. Would I have to honor that or are we morally obligated to baptize them?


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