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안녕하세요 밍스베이킹입니다
오늘은 빤딱한 초코코팅을 입힌 초코마들렌 영상을

마들렌 배꼽 팁 부터 초코코팅 깔끔하게 하는 법 등
만드는 방법은 영상을 통해 확인해주세요.
구독과 좋아요 댓글은 많은 도움이 됩니다! ❤️

📌재료 도구 및 참고
•모든 재료는 실온 (1시간 이상) 상태로 준비해주세요
*오븐 : 라쿠진 미니오븐


[Instagram] 밍스베이킹   / mings.baking  

*레시피 사용시 링크와 출처를 꼭 남겨주세요.
(레시피 글로 풀어서 올리지 말아주세요)‼️
*영상의 재업로드 및 2차 편집을 금지합니다.
*구독과 좋아요 댓글은 많은 도움이 됩니다.

달걀 55g
박력분 55g
버터 55g
설탕 55g
꿀 5g
베이킹파우더 2g
코코아파우더 8g
코팅용 초콜릿 60g

Hello, I'm Mings Baking
Today's video is a chocolate madeleine with a hard chocolate coating.
I brought it!

From the tip of the Madeleine belly button to how to clean the chocolate coating, etc.
Please check the video on how to make it.
Subscriptions and likes and comments are very helpful! ❤️

📌 Ingredients
[Choco Madeleine]
55 g eggs
55g soft flour
55 g butter
55g sugar
5 g of honey
2 g baking powder
8g cocoa powder
60g chocolate for coating

📌 [Preparation]
1. Cut the butter on the fan and keep the refrigerator (until Panning)
2. Putting the power of the power, baking powder, Cocoa primary
3. Leave the eggs at room temperature and put sugar slowly, so slowly mixed
4. Put the power, baking powder, cocoa secondary body and mix slowly
5.40-50 also inserted and mixed with melted butter
6. Wrapped in rap and store refrigerator for 1 hour
7. Preheating the oven 190 degrees
8. Take out the oven fan and sprinkle the power (can be omitted according to the fan coating)
9. Mix the whole dough and organize the bubble and kneading
10. Panning 80% of fan
11.180 Figure 7 - 175 degrees 5 minutes (Rakujin Mini Oven)
12. Fill the baked Madelen to lay down on the pan
13. Melting chocolate for coating to 45 degrees and contains 10 g
14. Take the Madelen to remove 20 minutes of refrigerator

🎵Song - 오늘의 일기 /    • 초콜렛 세상 (Chocolate World) : 귀여운 크리스마스 ...  


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