【Elite:Dangerous】Battle at AXCZ on the Planetary ring - AXCZ solo - HIP 22460

Описание к видео 【Elite:Dangerous】Battle at AXCZ on the Planetary ring - AXCZ solo - HIP 22460

HIP 22460 I fought in the AX conflict zone medium intensity in the star system!
It was a very difficult battle because we were fighting on a planetary ring, and in the second half of the battle against Hydra, we had to avoid rocks (well, we had quite a few collisions), but it was a lot of fun!
It was a different kind of battle from the usual, but it was a lot of fun!

It was fun to see a battle on a planetary ring, which is quite rare.
It's been a little while since the video was taken, but I wanted to post it to commemorate the event.
Actually, I did it about 3 times.

Note that there is no AXCZ in the HIP 22460 system at this time, so this challenge is not possible.

The BGM used is from a vertical shooter called PSYVARIAR.
I like it a lot, beautiful music!

※ Translated at DeepL.

HIP 22460星系のAX conflict zone medium intensityで戦ってきました!


尚、今現在、HIP 22460星系にはAXCZは存在しませんので、この挑戦は出来ません。



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