【Elite:Dangerous】Hydra + 3 Basilisk + 4 Cyclops Solo kill, FGS, FAoff, Premium Ammo【OctaGoid】

Описание к видео 【Elite:Dangerous】Hydra + 3 Basilisk + 4 Cyclops Solo kill, FGS, FAoff, Premium Ammo【OctaGoid】

After more than 30 hours of hyperjumping, I finally got an instance of Hydra+Basilisk×3+Cyclops×4.... . I was able to get an instance of OctaGoid.
It failed many times. Sometimes I was unable to neutralize the shutdown pulse and the Interceptor escaped while I was unable to pilot my ship, and other times I didn't have the right number of Cyclops to begin with.

As for combat, the FGS is slow and you can't escape the Interceptors just by boosting in a straight line.
However, if you boost in a circular motion at an angle, you can avoid the Interceptor's attacks to some extent.
However, the two small arms at the top of the FGS require beam laser turrets with thermal venting. If you don't have a turret, you won't be able to keep running away while cooling down.

The thing I was most wary of in this fight was how to keep my distance from the yellow glow of each Interceptor after its first heart is destroyed.
If you run away in a straight line, they will surely catch up with you, so I ran away in the opposite direction of where the goid was facing. Even if your opponent is a Cyclops, you can't let your guard down. If you get hit by lightning even for a second, you will fall prey to the enraged swarm missiles that come after you.

I'm generally satisfied with this battle, but I'm a little disappointed that I missed a couple of ram attacks in the last Hydra battle.
Anyway, the OctaGoid fight is the hardest one you can do in Solo Play, so I'm happy to have cleared it!

The total time for this battle was 2 hours, 15 minutes, and 13 seconds, making it the fastest OctaGoid defeat of all time :)

The following is the timeline for defeating each interceptor.

Start the battle - 00:02:13
Cyclops1 - 00:09:36
Basilisk1 - 00:31:00
Basilisk2 - 00:54:00
Basilisk3 - 01:13:01
Cyclops2 - 01:27:11
Cyclops3 - 01:28:01
Cyclops4 - 01:38:30
Hydra Start - 01:42:33
Hydra End - 02:17:26

Ship Build: https://s.orbis.zone/d0k_

The video is long, so I made a short version.
Please feel free to use it.




何にせよ、OctaGoid戦はSolo Playで出来る最難関なのでそれをクリア出来たのは嬉しいですね!

今現在、最速のOctaGoid撃破だと思います :)


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