Dynasty Warriors 6 - Sima Yi Musou Mode 1 - Battle of Chi Bi

Описание к видео Dynasty Warriors 6 - Sima Yi Musou Mode 1 - Battle of Chi Bi

Now we start my favorite character's musou mode. DW6 is actually where I first started to like Sima Yi, before this I actually didn't care for him much. But he has a pretty fun musou mode and a character arc that finally brings him out from "evil genius" and makes him more understandable.

As for how he plays, I had a trend of getting bad weapon drops and not much EXP so he doesn't steamroll most things like other characters. Sima Yi starts off slow, but once he's leveled he actually has a pretty good moveset. You could say he's more of a late game character. Though having the worst Special ability, Rockfall, makes it a bit harder to get EXP and gives you one less thing to rely on due to it's very limited use.

His style is damn fun though, I wish this moveset played like this still in DW8 rather than having more punches and kung fu-like moves that his wife has with the weapon. The grab where he just fists someone through the gut is always satisfying.


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