WHAT IS NATURAL HYGIENE? Rosalind Graham on Diet, Nature, Spirituality...

Описание к видео WHAT IS NATURAL HYGIENE? Rosalind Graham on Diet, Nature, Spirituality...

With a professorship in Health Science and Nutrition, various fitness training qualifications, a certificate in counselling and over 20 years perusing natural hygiene, Rosalind brings us some key points on the subject.

Fundamental Elements of Health:
1. Clean, fresh air
2. Pure water
3. Foods for which we are biologically designed
4. Sufficient sleep
5. Rest and relaxation
6. Vigorous activity
7. Emotional poise and stability
8. Sunshine and natural light
9. Comfortable temperature
10 Peace, harmony, serenity, and tranquility
11. Human touch
12. Thought, cogitation, and meditation
13. Friendships and companionship
14. Gregariousness (social relationships, community)
15. Love and appreciation
16. Play and recreation
17. Pleasant environment
18. Amusement and entertainment
19. Sense of humor, mirth, and merriment
20. Security of life and its means
21. Inspiration, motivation, purpose, and commitment
22. Creative, useful work (pursuit of interests)
23. Self-control and self-mastery
24. Individual sovereignty
25. Expression of reproductive instincts
26. Satisfaction of the aesthetic senses
27. Self-confidence
28. Positive self-image and sense of self-worth
29. Internal and external cleanliness
30. Smiles
31 . Music and all other arts
32. Biophilia (love of nature)


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