Matsyasana, the Fish Pose in Yogasana

Описание к видео Matsyasana, the Fish Pose in Yogasana

The name Matsyasana has its origins from the Sanskrit word 'matsya' meaning fish. Matsyasana gives a backward stretch to the spine and can be performed as a counter pose to Sarvangasana.

Lie down flat on your back. Bring the feet together. Place your hands with palms turned down beneath the thighs close to the buttocks. Then lift the chest up by pushing the elbows into the ground. Once your chest has been lifted above the ground as high as possible, gently drop the head back so as to touch the floor. Try to remain in the position for one minute or so.

To come out of the position, first lift the head and straighten the back and then slowly lower the upper body to the floor. Relax for a while.

Effect : Muscles around the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions are strengthened. Capacity of the lungs increases as the pose provides a generous supply of fresh air.

Yoga Demonstration by: Gayatri Srinivasan

Note: – Supervision of an Experienced Yoga instructor is highly recommended for learning Yoga.

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