Fluid Balance in Surgery Patients

Описание к видео Fluid Balance in Surgery Patients

Fluids and electrolytes are fundamental in surgery, you must know them inside and out. You'll make decisions on fluid resuscitation and electrolytes every day.

What are the fluids in the body? What are the fluid compartments? What do you know about electrolytes and fluid balance? What electrolytes are important? Hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, hypernatremia...how do these present and how do you fix them?

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What is total body water? When do you give lactated ringers? What fluid replaces blood?

In this first part of the surgery tutorial on fluid balance we're going to cover just about everything you should know about fluid and electrolytes including the answers to all of those questions above.

We're going to talk about the obligatory losses in the body every day and the maintenance fluids that are most needed under different circumstances.

Fluid and electrolytes is a topic that you will be faced with every single day in the hospital. Whether you're making a decision to start fluids, resuscitate a patient, stop fluids and choosing what fluid to give it is an essential component to rounds and decision making.

1.). The fluid compartments of the body
2.). What fluid goes where
3.). Obligatory fluid and electrolytes losses and how to replace them


Start 00:00
Clinical Case - Writing TPN 2:42
You will be confident learning the following goals 06:29
Why is important to learn Fluid and Electrolytes 07:15
Key Reference Textbook for Fluid and Electrolytes 08:32
The Fluid Compartments of the Body 09:25
What fluids distribute in what compartments? 12:48
What are the daily fluid and electrolyte needs? 17:10
How do you choose what fluid to use? 20:46
Perioperative Fluid Losses 22:10
What fluid replaces specific GI losses? 23:00
Putting it all together 24:28

Surgery: Basic Science and Clinical Evidence (Norton)
For a nice review article on fluids, check out this in AAFP: http://citizensurgeon.co/Fluid

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I'm Dr. Erik Pearson, FACS and I am a board certified pediatric surgeon living in Las Vegas. I make surgical education videos on all topics in general surgery as well as talks on lifestyle design as a surgeon, book reviews, and studying effectively. I also write a weekly newsletter called the Saturday Six where I identify Six different discoveries of the week. You can get the weekly newsletter by signing up to the CITIZENSURGEON Community!

While my aim is to help educate you for the ward, the surgical ICU, the operating room and your exams remember these videos are not a replacement for your reading, your medical school and residency preparation and most important your own decision making. Good luck and enjoy!

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