Chat With Maxine About Training | Further Talk on Feeding

Описание к видео Chat With Maxine About Training | Further Talk on Feeding

It’s salon day at the farm. It’s Lily, Barney, Shadow, Diesel and Tilly’s turn. Shadow loves them so much she jumped the queue.

A few of our followers from France have asked where Maxine lived in France. Maxine kindly shared the answer with us, in French. It sounds amazing.

Maxine and I have a chat about how our rehabilitation training works here at the farm. Maxine has an interest in it for her own dogs. We talk about how it looks like we’re always just getting dogs to sit or drop or stay. I’m really dumbing it down there, but I can totally see how it looks like that, when actually sit and drop has nothing to do with it. I give it a go trying to explain the in depth meaning behind it and the whole process. Sorry Maxine. In the background, Luke is training Cruiser. He then gives Maxine a much better explanation.

For those that might be interested here’s how it works past the obedience part…

The initial obedience exercises are designed to teach the dog a new tonal language and develop a specific relationship. Once the language is learnt, that understanding and your relationship is proofed through incremental levels of duration and distraction. So you start with something really simple like throwing the ball and asking your dog to ignore the ball and instead listen to you. It gradually becomes 40 excited dogs you ask them to ignore.

Luke then takes that kind of training into scenarios that will modify serious issues like aggression. Ignore your internal voice that is telling you to attack that dog and listen to me. With hundreds of hours of exposure in those difficult situations with consistent guidance and accurate reading and timing, the dog eventually chooses acceptable behaviours over unacceptable behaviours.

Cruiser, Abra and Diesel continue to learn the language, develop their relationship and receive the guidance everyday.

We are getting late into the year already! So we have reduced the price of the last remaining 2023 Farm Calendars!
Amazon USA:
Amazon Australia:

We head off into the bush and have a chat about feeding. In our last video we talk about what the dogs are currently on. It’s a small win for us, personally, as this has been a little more stressful than it would seem. Seeing as we haven’t talked at all about it. We’ve only mentioned the lengths we’ve gone to once in a members video a month or so ago.

We appreciate that it might be a surprise that we have gone from fresh to Ziwi Peak seemingly overnight. This is not the case, but we haven’t shared the journey publicly because we didn’t want people to be concerned, try to send us supplies etc etc … it has been a period of trials and tribulations. Working out what is the best diet for these particular dogs. Very very specifically these dogs. Allergies, energy expenditure, supply issues etc etc.

There has been some comments … argh here we go again I know … but honestly, when there is a few comments with questions or even some misunderstandings there is usually more people wondering who simply haven’t voiced it yet, so often it can mean a further video is a good idea to explain a bit more.

If I could just end with this. We are trying our very best, with every resource we have to do the very best we can for each dog in our care.

P.S this video is just mostly talking. We did also celebrate Freddo’s birthday which I’ve posted on his channel and I’ll put together some of the other things we got up to also in another video and I’ve got a video coming for members on Abra’s training as well as another on Cruiser’s. I’m a little behind but it’s on its way!


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