Pack Dynamics with a Dingo | Giant Spider Crawls Across Baby’s Face

Описание к видео Pack Dynamics with a Dingo | Giant Spider Crawls Across Baby’s Face

Ok so WARNING there is a big spider that crawls over Wolf’s face and hand in this video. I know there’s a few of our viewers that don’t like spiders so I want to give you a good warning on this one. It’s right at the end. Wolfie did not get bitten.

Luke answers a couple of questions from subscribers. Some of the questions we are getting these days are very interesting and well thought out. Genuine questions of interest from viewers who have followed the dogs’ stories.

Can you talk about the characteristics of an alpha dog? Would the pack accept Abra as a leader if she bullied the dogs? Do they see it as a weakness? Does the pack act differently around Cruiser, like they did Chance?

Luke answers these questions specifically in regards to our pack.

It’s pizza Friday, Kitty Rose comes out to join us. She has been hiding in the wardrobe all day because we had electrical repairs being done inside. She gets scared of tradespeople. But finds her comfort and happiness with her friends and family … a big bunch of dogs. Go figure.

We have been experiencing some large storms of late. We have an extra big one and Luke heads out to check the drains. Half the pack follow. So too does little Wolfie. They clear the drains and enjoy a big run in the rain.

Luke showers off some of the mud, meanwhile, a giant Huntsman is crawling across Wolf’s face. Luke doesn’t even notice until Wolf says Bi Bi (spider) and Luke sees it’s now on Wolf’s hand. Wolf is very happy about the encounter. He loves spiders. No spiders or children were harmed in the making of this video ❤️


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