Unit 1 - The International Organization for Standardization

Описание к видео Unit 1 - The International Organization for Standardization

In this unit you will learn what ISO is, what it does and how it is structured. For further information about Technical Committees, Subcommittees and Working Groups, see Course 2 - Unit 1 (coming soon).

Key slide:
ISO structure: https://i.imgsafe.org/8b/8b0c5b84e4.jpeg

Relevant links:
General information about ISO: https://www.iso.org/what-we-do.html
ISO members: https://www.iso.org/members.html
ISO annual reports: https://www.iso.org/annual-reports.html
ISO Structure: https://www.iso.org/structure.html
The TMB: https://www.iso.org/governance-of-tec...
Organizations in liaison: https://www.iso.org/organizations-in-...


Информация по комментариям в разработке