Astrophotography: BEST Narrowband Image Processing in Photoshop, Channel Combine - Secret Technique!

Описание к видео Astrophotography: BEST Narrowband Image Processing in Photoshop, Channel Combine - Secret Technique!

Hi All,

This is technically my third tutorial video on narrowband processing, part 1 was my theory, part 2 was channel separation and denoise and this part is me going through an example using the wizard nebula where I combine the separated narrowband signals using my secret photoshop [PS] technique. This tutorial is focused on the best way to process narrowband data in photoshop [PS].

If you'd like to follow along, please download my wizard nebula stack here:

If you process my wizard nebula data, or use my tutorial, please shout me out, I love seeing your work. My Instagram handle is @asto.ed_

Thanks! Next video will be on the idea of combining your signal data using Pixel Math instead of my secret combination method.

Clear Skies!



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