Astrophotography: WHY using Star Removal (Starnet++) is a MUST in your Photoshop [PS] workflow! P1.

Описание к видео Astrophotography: WHY using Star Removal (Starnet++) is a MUST in your Photoshop [PS] workflow! P1.

This tutorial shows and explains why using star removal (starnet++) in astrophotography image processing is not only a MUST but incredibly essential in being able to maximize the data in your astrophotography images! It focuses on hot to use Starnet++ standalone freeware which removes stars from your astro-images using a neural network algorithm.

The power isn't just producing a starless image, but being able to process your stars like never before and your nebulosity like never before separately and then combining them back together for a stunning result!

This is part 1 and focuses on the actual usage of starnet++ and how to make a star only layer and nebula only layer and be able to rejoin them back together EASILY. P2 will focus on nebulosity processing and star processing (including some star minimization).

Get starnet++ (it is free here):

#astroEd #astrophotography #imageprocessing


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