Growing Asparagopsis for impact: next steps (Dr. Nick Paul)

Описание к видео Growing Asparagopsis for impact: next steps (Dr. Nick Paul)

Third GSC Scientific Webinar on seaweed and #methane reduction, with Professor Nick Paul, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia

Abstract: "The warm coastal waters of Queensland in Australia are home to #Asparagopsis taxiformis, which became the most famous seaweed in the world when, over a decade ago, its anti-methanogenic effect as a feed supplement for ruminant livestock was discovered. This finding led to significant interest and private investment, with hope and aspirations to farm enough seaweed to feed more than 1 billion #cattle. However, there is still so much to learn about the biology and ecology of Asparagopsis, and this has ultimately limited the pace of innovation and its potential impact on agriculture and livelihoods across the globe.

The webinar will present some of the key Asparagopsis findings from Dr. Paul’s group to shed light on a range of technical challenges and biological constraints. This work covers the natural history and environmental variation on the Sunshine Coast, the release of the reference genome for Asparagopsis taxiformis with subsequent -omics discoveries, and ongoing studies on its #aquaculture and natural products that underpin #marketpotential. This research program provides critical information and alternative pathways for businesses in an increasingly competitive landscape that includes the next wave of Asparagopsis disruption in synthetic formulations and biology. This changing landscape helps to focus on the next steps to scale production through #knowledge sharing, new partnerships and product niches."


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