Biosecurity for the seaweed industry

Описание к видео Biosecurity for the seaweed industry

GSC Scientific Webinar with Pr. Elizabeth Cottier-Cook (Scottish Association For Marine Science)

Introduction by Mélanie Cueff & Philippe Potin (CNRS/Station Biologique de Roscoff)

Abstract: "The rapid expansion and intensification of the seaweed industry are unlikely to abate soon, as the world increasingly looks toward the oceans to provide new sources of nutrition and nature-based solutions to climate change. This rapid expansion, however, combined with rising seawater temperatures and coastal eutrophication, has led to an increase in infectious disease and pest outbreaks. The timing seems right, therefore, to introduce a new Progressive Management Pathway (PMP) to Improve Seaweed Biosecurity. This PMP will form an integral component of a whole supply-chain approach for de-risking aquaculture supply chains. We believe it will also profoundly change the structure of this industry, ultimately allowing countries access to markets worldwide and promoting the implementation of the ‘One Health’ approach to ensure environmental, social and crop health. This webinar by Prof Elizabeth Cottier-Cook will explain how the PMP/AB-Seaweed could assist your country in safeguarding the future of its seaweed industry and provide case studies for how this PMP can be applied at farm level."



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