GoodLordNo Goes to Pyro Gateway for a Post-Xenothreat Gear Cleanup, and Magnus Gateway for a Turtle

Описание к видео GoodLordNo Goes to Pyro Gateway for a Post-Xenothreat Gear Cleanup, and Magnus Gateway for a Turtle

This is just a video of me doing equipment management. I had a lot of gear stored at the Stanton-Pyro Gateway, and on the way back to Microtech, I stopped at Stanton-Magnus Gateway to see if there was a Turtle in the Cargo Center. (Spoiler: Yes!)

In the video you can see me struggle with a few things that I'm regularly fighting with, including local and external inventory UIs, the new "looting" UI, and how the default "F" interaction button prevents physicalized buttons that lock doors, and turn on and off lights on ships.

You'll also see my multi-day struggle trying to loot my gear off my corpse finally succeed, allowing me to throw the Sim-dead body out of my Drake Corsair's airlock.


00:01:40 - Gearing Up.
00:03:20 - Going to Port Tressler's Hangar 14, to find my Drake Corsair, Count Zero.
00:04:00 - Finding my unlootable corpse, full of gear, on the ground in the mess hall of the ship.
00:06:00 - Still no functional inventory UI on my corpse. It's taunting me every time I pass by.
00:09:00 - I give up trying to loot it and hide the corpse in the aft crew cabin.
00:11:30 - Leaving Port Tressler and jumping to Pyro Gateway.
00:19:00 - Arrive at Pyro Gateway.
00:22:30 - Landed at Pyro Gateway, Hangar 10.
00:26:00 - Unbelievably, for some reason, I am able to trigger the looting UI and get my gear off my corpse!
00:27:45 - I disrespectfully hurl my corpse out of the airlock. Revenge.
00:32:30 - I become a well dressed man.
00:33:30 - I search the cargo centerfor a turtle and come up zeroes.
00:37:00 - I hit the station's food court and struggle with the F menu again, but eventually am able to drink a smoothie, which does nothing for my hydration state. I struggle to hit the barista with the empty bottle, because, UI.
00:41:00 - The elevator to Hangar 10 traps me behind it's steely, immobile doors. I am powerless before elevators.
00:45:00 - I transfer my gear from Pyro Gateway to the ship and exit Hangar 10 for the Magnus Gateway.
00:49:00 - I break the monotony of the jump to Magnus with a cool branded fashion photo montage I took aboard my 890 Jump, Mona Lisa Overdrive. Sexy Fashion!
00:52:00 - Back to watching the pretty (branded) quantum lightshow. (I worked hard on that animated logo)
00:54:00 - Exited Quantum Travel at Magnus Gateway.
00:57:00 - Landed and powered down in Hangar 5.
00:58:00 - Restocked the mess hall kitchen with drinks, burrito and an apple, because reasons. The UI continues to be weird showing that I'm placing the last thing I picked up, but when it's placed, it's the most recent thing I picked up. For example, it looks like I'm putting a turtle on the table, but it turns into a can of soda when it lands.
01:09:00 - I spend a couple of minutes rolling around on the ground taking pictures with the turtle because, more reasons, and branding.
01:11:00 - I hit the Burrito Bar because my nutrition and hydration are in the Mid-90th percentile and OCD reasons.
01:12:20 - I turn in, staying the the Habs at Magnus, because sometimes I like sleeping off my ship.


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