Lee Mavers - Best of the Crescent Tape 1998 (Second album songs)

Описание к видео Lee Mavers - Best of the Crescent Tape 1998 (Second album songs)

.2 Dogs Fightin, 1998 - Lee teaches the Crescent 18-27 new songs

I raised the pitch to Lee's tuning but i kept the speech he made about being 2 frets down. Try to enjoy the flow - ignore the Crescent bum notes at the end (the drummer seemed good)

1. Tears in the Rain instrumental
2. When Will I See You Again? (then With Drums)
3. Let's Go for a Ride
4. Ladies & Gentlemen
5. She Came Down (3 takes in 1)
6. Rebound (18-27 new songs!)
7. Fishin' Net (Shh! 2 new editions as well yknow lad)
8. Raindance
9. Mindfield / The Big Ship Sails
10. Pitch Theory / The Pitch of Inspiration
11. Open Your Mind (with band - the Crescent bass sucks)
12. The Human Race (drums then song)


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