The La's - The Kitchen Tape Remastered

Описание к видео The La's - The Kitchen Tape Remastered

The La's Kitchen Tape - Remastered
Summer 1989
Andy MacDonald's parents' house, Devon, UK.
Band Members: Lee Mavers, John Power, Barry Sutton & Chris Sharrock
■ When Will I See You Again?
■ Our Time
■ Robberman
■ She Came Down
■ Fishing Net
■ It's Impossible
■ Tears In The Rain
■ I Am The Key

If you want, I'll sell you some backstory

Mike Hedges:
I was brought in for a couple of weeks when I was supposed to be going on holiday. I’d been collecting vintage equipment and the desk we used was early EMI Abbey Road, which Lee appreciated. It would have been used on The Beatles’ albums - and John Lennon’s.

We did most of the recording on my mobile down in Devon. It was obvious that some of the demos the band had already done - things like Looking Glass - should really just have been left exactly as they were. During a ten-day period we recorded sixteen songs and then mixed them in a couple of days, banged out the mixes and delivered it.

One brilliant night we had, they were sitting in the dining room of this house in Devon, playing songs. They went through about thirty-five unreleased tunes and they were amazing, absolutely stunning.


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