Clinical tip: Midline Correction with Intermaxillary Elastics|【Chris Chang Ortho】CC451

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Asymmetric intermaxillary elastics are often indicated for midline correction. However, asymmetrical elastics in the posterior segment often result in occlusal canting due to unwanted molar extrusion. To avoid this side effect, a recommended alternative is to use z-shaped elastics in the anterior segment instead of asymmetrical elastics in the posterior for mild midline correction.


改正中線常須借助不對稱的配戴顎間橡皮筋(Intermaxillary elastics),然而對後牙施展不對稱牽引會造成大臼齒的不當擠壓,使咬合平面歪斜。為了避免這樣的副作用,後牙應儘量避免使用不對稱的牽引,可改用在前牙區拉Z字形橡皮筋,以改正輕微中線偏移問題。


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