Empaths and Chronic Fatigue

Описание к видео Empaths and Chronic Fatigue

One of the main problems empaths suffer from is exhaustion. Most empaths either live in a state of semi-seclusion, or chronic stress and fatigue. Social situations, other people, and demanding jobs drain us quickly. This is frustrating for empaths, and many of us believe we can’t lead a normal life.

This constant exhaustion empaths experience is actually a problem rooted in boundaries. Our boundaries are naturally more porous than others, but we also have shaky boundaries, meaning that we have a hard time protecting ourselves from invasive intrusions from the outside.

This is something we learned in childhood. Most empaths in childhood were either not allowed to have boundaries or were shamed whenever they tried to assert a personal boundary. This results in a “yes-no imbalance,” which means that we have trouble saying “no” to people, and we usually say “yes” on autopilot to any requests made of us, even when we already know that we don’t want to do it, or we are already overwhelmed by other things and we know that we should say “no.”

This happens because many empaths are such severe people-pleasers that our tendency toward accommodating others can become debilitating, and when we’re saying yes all the time (even when we really want to say no) we are leaking energy and losing life force. When this cycle is in full swing, the empath who is experiencing it is overriding their body’s stress signals and ignoring the physical cues that their body is trying to give them so that they will assert a boundary. The end result is that we end up with chronic fatigue, which is our body’s way of forcing us to slow down and say no.

There are ways to get past this. Tune into the video to learn how.

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