Camp Boa (camping) Nissan terra vl 4x2

Описание к видео Camp Boa (camping) Nissan terra vl 4x2

Camp BOA

Camp BOA is located in Sta. Inez rd, Tanay Rizal. You can reach the campsite from Metro Manila with around 2hours and 30minutes travel time, depending on the traffic and the time of your travel. Oh, you will have to cross 2 rivers to get to the camp site. So you might need to check your car and drive a bigger vehicle if you want to visit the camp site.

The campgrounds is nestled between mountains of Sierra Madre and bound by the River Lanatin. Hikers, bikers, overlanders, and 4x4 enthusiasts converge in their tranquil sanctuary. But it can also be reached by a 4x2 vehicle, as you can in our video.

They have a total of 7 camp sites as of the moment. But they are still building more sites to accommodate more campers. Pets are welcome as well.

Time explore more natural camp site of Tanay, Rizal.

*video details and and links - Outdoor waterproof string light


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