The Science of Kriya Yoga | Inspirational Talk With Meditation

Описание к видео The Science of Kriya Yoga | Inspirational Talk With Meditation

In this talk for New Year’s from the Self-Realization Fellowship temple in Glendale, California, SRF monk Brother Bhumananda discusses how the science of Kriya Yoga, which is the cornerstone of Paramahansa Yogananda’s teachings, can be employed by you to reach your highest spiritual and material goals.

Kriya Yoga has been successfully used by yogis in India for thousands of years, and it was shared with the world by Yogananda, at the behest of his line of enlightened gurus, as a great spiritual technique for this modern age.

“In this very life you have the opportunity, by Kriya Yoga practice,” Paramahansa Yogananda says, “to realize your brotherhood with all creation and to know yourself, not as a body, but as omnipresent Spirit.”

Yogananda created the Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons, a home-study course, for seekers of higher consciousness to receive his personal instruction in the science of Kriya Yoga meditation and the comprehensive art of balanced living for body, mind, and soul. To learn more:

In this talk, Brother Bhumananda also mentions several books:

Yogananda’s translation and commentary on the Bhagavad Gita, “God Talks With Arjuna”:

Yogananda’s revelatory commentaries on the teachings of Jesus, “The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You”:

And two volumes of the Collected Talks and Essays by Yogananda, “Man’s Eternal Quest” ( ) and “Journey to Self-realization” ( ).

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