All of Me (John Legend) | Cover Performance at Meta stages | Kaze So

Описание к видео All of Me (John Legend) | Cover Performance at Meta stages | Kaze So

《All Of Me》是由 John Legend 在2013 創作,靈感來源於 John 的新婚妻子Chrissy。這是一首温柔的鋼琴曲,他說:「這首歌講述的是相互平衡的事情:即使我輸了,我也贏了, 在你放棄一切的同時,你也獲得了一切,這就是整首歌的主題。如果你相愛並且相互聯繫,那麼即使你放棄了一切,你也會得到一切。」

歌曲搭配簡潔的編曲,以緩和的速度切入,原曲的鋼琴伴奏和人聲融合的絲絲入扣,看似平緩的旋律卻藴含着滿滿的愛,至情至深。John 演繹這首歌時的人聲跨度從F3到B♭,是 John 職業生涯中優秀且成功的作品。

"All Of Me" was created by John Legend in 2013 and was inspired by John's new wife Chrissy. This is a gentle piano song. He said: "This song is about balancing things: even if I lose, I win, and when you give up everything, you also gain everything, and that's the whole story. The theme of the song. If you are in love and connected, you will gain everything even if you give up everything."

The song is paired with a concise arrangement and cuts at a gentle speed, full of admiration, tears and love. The piano accompaniment and vocals are perfectly integrated, and the seemingly gentle melody contains full of love and deep affection. John's vocals range from F3 to B♭ when performing this song. It is an excellent and successful work in John's career.


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