有多少愛可以重來 (迪克牛仔/劉宇寧) | Cover Performance at Meta stages | Kaze So

Описание к видео 有多少愛可以重來 (迪克牛仔/劉宇寧) | Cover Performance at Meta stages | Kaze So

「有多少愛可以重來」是1999 年由迪克牛仔所演繹的國語歌,而粵語版是1994年王菲及2003年譚詠麟的「愛與痛的邊緣」。國語版表達了在愛情中遇到的遺憾和後悔,以及對於是否還有勇氣重新開始的思考。很多的人在聽到這歌時不僅能回想起過去的情感,也能思考現在和未來在愛情和生活中的選擇及態度。


"How Much Love Can Come Again" is a Mandarin song performed by Dick and Cowboy in 1999, while the Cantonese version is "The Edge of Love and Pain" by Faye Wong in 1994 and Alan Tam in 2003. The Mandarin version expresses regrets and regrets encountered in love, as well as thoughts on whether one still has the courage to start over. When many people hear this song, they can not only recall their past emotions, but also think about their current and future choices and attitudes in love and life.

"How Much Love Can Come Again" expresses whether we are still willing to give the other person a chance to wait and whether we still have the courage to try again even if love gives us a chance to come back. This song is not only a reflection on love, but also a reflection on life, reminding people to cherish it when they have it, and maybe they can only have memories after they lose it.


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