One Life to Live 1/3/1991

Описание к видео One Life to Live 1/3/1991

Tina goes to the Palace to see Carlo, but Viki spots her and tells her it’s a bad idea. Viki asks what’s gotten her so upset and Tina tells her about Carlo’s intention to try and adopt her child, and Viki reassures her he has no rights in this situation. Carlo finds the pair in the lobby and loudly argues with Tina, saying his lawyers believe he has a chance to gain custody of his grandchild. Dorian overhears the argument and Viki threatens her if she prints any of this in her paper. Renee wants to know when Asa is going to put whatever plan he has in place to get Carlo out of the way. Asa is surprised at the complete 180 his wife has made on the subject of Carlo, but she says he’s terrorized their family long enough and she doesn’t care how it happens, Carlo needs to go. Asa asks if she’s telling him to kill Carlo Hesser, and Gabrielle overhears the question from out in the hallway. Asa shows Renee the front page of The Intruder, with the story he planted about Leopold Hansen. Jake tells Megan he read her letter and that she’s right–things are over between them. When she leaves, Bo asks what that was all about, and Jake says Charlotte has been playing him for a fool and has regained her eyesight. He explains he came here to tell Megan the truth, but then he saw Carlo huddled up, conspiring with the film’s producer. He thinks the best way to figure out what Carlo is up to is by staying married to Charlotte. Bo says he’ll keep investigating on his end too. Asa visits Wanda at Heavenly Hash and gives her instructions for what to do when Carlo comes in for his daily cup of tea. Later, when Carlo shows up, Wanda tells him to leave, showing him the Intruder headline and saying she’d seen this Mr. Hansen in the diner earlier today and he was telling a very large, scary companion that he planned to take care of something or other once and for all. She says she doesn’t want any trouble in her restaurant and he needs to leave. Now.

Jake tells Charlotte things are over between him and Megan. In the park, Megan recounts all her failed romances to Hunter. After they return to the studio, Chad tells Hunter and Megan to be prepared to start shooting the film next week. Jake asks Dorian to meet with him and says he’s been hired by an insurance company to investigate the people involved with Hunter’s film. Specifically, he wants to know what Dorian can tell him about Chad Cummings. Dorian says the man has a reputation for gambling away all his money, to the point where no one in Hollywood would write a check to finance another film. Carlo returns to his hotel to find Gabrielle waiting for him in the lobby. She says she saw the article in the Intruder and it’s probably true that Hansen wants him dead, but not half as much as Asa does. Carlo asks whether Asa and Hansen are in cahoots, but Gabrielle professes ignorance. Carlo thinks it’s time he had a talk with Asa.


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