One Life to Live 1/4/1991

Описание к видео One Life to Live 1/4/1991

Bo thanks Max for keeping Alex busy while he investigates the situation with Nat Olanov. He is interrupted when Alex bursts in and announces she thinks she has a way to find her father. She thinks she should go see David Porter, but Bo doesn’t like the idea. He says he’s just afraid she’ll end up getting hurt. Max steps in and asks if she can put off her visit until after they get back from Atlantic City on a business trip Asa just told him about, and she reluctantly agrees. At Asa’s manor, Tina overhears Asa and Carlo arguing. Carlo says no one can threaten him and get away with it. He says Asa needs to get Leopold Hansen off his back. Asa says he wishes he was involved with Hansen, because he’d love to see Carlo dead. Tina tells the two men to stop arguing. After Carlo leaves, Tina is distressed and Asa promises her Hesser won’t be a problem much longer. Kerry shows up at choir practice and brings Rika a glove she dropped in the park on New Year’s Eve. Afterwards, Rika is distracted and loses her place in the song. Gabrielle gets Bo to tell her where Max has gone and she books a flight to Atlantic City. Tina falls asleep on the couch and imagines Cord coming to her and suggesting they run away together only to have Carlo find out and shoot Cord. She wakes up, unnerved, and runs out to her car. Rika brings Kerry’s sheet music to the club to return to him, but Yusef says he’s stepped out and suggests she leave it with a note. As she’s writing the note, she spots a keyboard, sits down, and decides to give the song a shot. Kerry overhears the performance and says she sang it just like he pictured it in his head. He tells her he’s never written a song for anyone before, and the two almost kiss before Rika pulls away.

In Atlantic City, Alex plans to spend a quiet evening in her hotel ahead of tomorrow’s meeting, but Max convinces her they need to do some gambling to get the full A.C. experience. While Alex goes to get changed, Gabrielle shows up at Max’s room unexpectedly, pleading for Max to give her another chance. Alex returns and Gabrielle is angry, thinking they are there for more than just work. Asa tells Lucky the plan: a man will come to the hotel and, pretending to be Leopold Hansen, will call Carlo and suggest a meeting to clear the air. That meeting will bring Carlo out into the open, giving Lucky a chance to take his shot (and miss). The fake Hansen arrives and sets the meeting with Carlo. Carlo puts his gun in his coat pocket before heading down to the summit..Carlo arrives in the parking lot and looks around suspiciously for Hansen’s limousine where the two are to meet. He is jumpy, and is startled by every slamming car door or suspicious looking character. Lucky has Carlo in his sights as Carlo spots the limo, but as he’s about to take the shot, Renee arrives on the scene, approaching Carlo and insisting they need to speak. Carlo tells her to leave for her own good, but she insists on saying her piece, begging him to leave Tina and her family alone. Meanwhile, A distraught Tina drives erratically towards the hotel, determined to stop Carlo from frightening her or hurting her family anymore. Lucky is unable to take his shot with Renee in the way. Carlo tries to protect Renee, telling her to go wait for him inside, but she won’t listen. Carlo turns to face her, standing in the middle of the Hotel driveway with his back to the road. As Tina approaches the hotel, she sees his back, but not Renee standing in front of him. Carlo turns and sees her coming he tries to pull Renee out of the way. Tina suddenly regrets trying to run Carlo down and swerves, hitting Renee.


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