The Tortured Demon Who Still Thinks He's an Angel

Описание к видео The Tortured Demon Who Still Thinks He's an Angel

Hey everyone, welcome to Mythology Explained. In today’s video, we’re going to discuss Astaroth, variously described as a duke, lord, and prince of hell. He purports to have played no part in the fall of the angels and to have been unjustly condemned. He appears as an angel, but even in endeavoring to appear as such, his fiendish nature can’t be completely concealed. The angelic appearance he maintains gives him a look both foul and unsettling, and the stench of his breath is so repulsive as to be perilous. As well, the fact that he holds a poisonous serpent and rides around on a monstrous dragon hardly helps to legitimize his pretense.

We’re going to begin with the work of Johann Weyer, which will piece together Astaroth's demonic profile: what he looked like, what his power was, and what danger he posed to the conjurer. After that, we’ll explore his origins, getting into the Bible and Near East polytheism. And finally, we’re going to go through many of the demonic hierarchies in which he features.

Alright, let’s get into it.

Johann Weyer was a Dutch physician, occultist, and demonologist, known for his seminal work on demonology, “False Monarchy of Demons”. This text was an appendix to his larger work, “On the Tricks of Demons”, published in the mid-16th century. Unlike other works that elucidate the eldritch and evil mysteries of witchcraft, Weyer’s own writing w as countervailing in that it condemned the rabid and virulent ideas that underpinned and encouraged witch hunting. He believed that those who claimed to, or were accused of, practicing witchcraft suffered from mental illness. He didn’t believe they conspired, cavorted, and cackled in the dead of night with a coven of wicked spell-slinging women, pledging their souls to the dark power of Satan, a rather enlightened perspective given the era in which he lived. In particular, his work served to counter the “Malleus Maleficarum”, the “Hammer of Witches”, a guide that explained how to identify and exterminate witches.

Watch the video for the rest!


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