We first became fans of Kimberley Philpott from seeing her in Randy Brososky and Marliss' Necessary Evil and knew she was a true actor and good person behind the scenes.

The Journey of Edmonton's Rising Star, Kimberley Philpott

As a young actress, Kimberley Philpott has faced her share of challenges and setbacks, but it's her unwavering commitment to self-discovery and growth that has propelled her to the forefront of Edmonton's film community. With a background in psychology and a passion for acting, Kimberley has navigated the ups and downs of the industry with poise and determination.

Early Beginnings

Kimberley's love affair with acting began with a childhood fascination with Marilyn Monroe, an inspiration that would stay with her throughout her journey. She took her first steps into the world of acting at the Citadel Theater with Liana Shannon, and from there, she began to build a foundation for her craft.

Big Break and Mentorship

Kimberley's big break came with the role of Persephone in the Necessary Evil series, a project that she still cherishes to this day. Her mentor, Marliss Weber, played a significant role in shaping her early career, providing guidance and coaching that helped Kimberly find her footing in the industry.

Cannes and Beyond

Kimberley Philpott has had the privilege of working on several projects that have screened at prestigious film festivals like Cannes. Her short film "Alone" (directed by Ken Nemetchek) was part of the Cannes Short Corner, and she is excited to see what the future holds for this project.

Coping with Rejection

Rejection is an inevitable part of any creative journey, but Kimberley has learned to approach it with a positive attitude. She reminds herself that rejection is simply redirection, and that it's not personal. Instead, she focuses on maintaining a healthy mindset through self-care practices like clean eating, exercise, and mindfulness.

Advice for Emerging Talent

For young actresses starting out in the industry, Kimberley’s advice is simple yet profound: find individuals who have achieved the outcomes you desire and learn from them. She emphasizes the importance of surrounding oneself with positive influences and mentors who can provide guidance and support.

Preparing for Roles

Kimberley's approach to preparing for roles has evolved over time. She now delves deep into the character's world view, researching the time period and circumstances that shaped their experiences. She also uses music and visual triggers to access the emotions required for each role.

Upcoming Projects

Kimberley is set to star in a new short film with director Eric Hansen and actor Damian Chao. The project, titled "Windows," tells the story of a woman living with agoraphobia and explores themes of isolation and resilience.

Philosophy and Legacy

For Kimberley, the key to achieving success as an actress is not just about finding her own unique voice but also about embracing her true self. Her mantra is simple yet powerful: "know thyself." By focusing on self-discovery and growth, she believes she can make a positive impact on the industry and inspire others to do the same.

As Kimberley continues to navigate the ups and downs of her career, one thing is clear: she is a shining star in Edmonton's film community, radiating positivity and creativity wherever she goes.


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