Revisiting Qadhi's Disastrous Interview on Qur'anic Preservation

Описание к видео Revisiting Qadhi's Disastrous Interview on Qur'anic Preservation

Two years ago, on June 8, 2020 (today's date), Mohammed Hijab had a 28 minute Zoom Interview with Dr Yasir Qadhi concerning the problem of the 30+ different Qur'anic Qira'ats (Readings, which are really different words and phrases in each Qur'an). In the interview he asked him twice which of the 30 different Qur'ans was the one which Muhammad introduced in 632 AD?

After 28 minutes of listening to Dr Qadhi 'dance around the bush' trying to desperately not to answer his question, he finally admitted that all of the 30+ Qira'at Qur'ans were included in Muhammad's original Qur'an, either forgetting or not knowing that there are over 93,000 textual differences between the 30+ Qur'ans.

Basically he admitted in that interview what he had never dared to say publicly for the previous 25 years; namely, that the Hafs Qur'an Muslims use today was not perfectly preserved, but was recreated in various renditions by over 30 different authors, with "a little bit of this and a little bit of that" added here-and-there, forcing the Muslim authorities in Cairo in 1924 to choose just one of the 30 as the official Qur'an. They chose the Hafs text, which was then made official world-wide by the Saudi Arabian authorities in 1985, just 37 years ago!

Due to these admissions in this interview, there was so much anger on their two YouTubes channels, that Hijab and Qadhi had to turn off the 'comments' section after two weeks, and by August, two months later they both completely deleted the interview off their respective channels.

To celebrate that disastrous interview, and commemorate that fateful day, Jay has decided to share with you just 9 minutes of the best quotes by Qadhi and Hijab, and then unpack the significance of what exactly they were saying then for Muslims now, especially those who continue to say that the Qur'an is not only eternal, but was perfectly preserved, including every letter and every word.

After this interview, no Muslim should ever say such a thing again.

© Pfander Centre for Apologetics - US, 2022
(65,430) Music: "Sweet Sunset" by Musiclfiles, from filmmusic-io


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