Native American Prophecy Chief Red Cloud about Earths Destruction

Описание к видео Native American Prophecy Chief Red Cloud about Earths Destruction

HD Version - See my channel for Non-HD Version. World in Peril: Chief Red Cloud, Native American leaders, Medicine Men and Medicine women talk about an Environment in Crisis. About the BP oil spill and water shortage. We must live and teach Love and Respect for everything.

Lakota Chief Oliver Red Cloud
Lakota Medicine Man Floyd Looks for Buffalo Hand
Virginia Edgewater of the Diné
Lucas Brown Eyes
Lance Brown Eyes

Chief Oliver Red Cloud is a fourth generation descendant of Chief Red Cloud. His great grandfather was Chief Red Cloud the famous Lakota sioux chief: Mapíya Lúta from 1822 -- December 10, 1909.

Chief Oliver Red Cloud carries on his family's proud tradition by focusing his efforts on maintaining the traditional ways of his people and fighting to improve the standard of living on the reservation.

He is the Itancan (chief) of the Oglala Lakota Band of the Great Sioux Nation and Chairman of the Black Hills Sioux Nation Treaty Council, the traditional governing body of the eight bands of the Lakota Nation.

The Lakota Nation entered into and has always abided by the provisions of the Fort Laramie Treaties of 1851 and 1868. However, the United States of America has repeatedly violated and unilaterally attempted to abrogate the Treaties in violation of accepted international standards and codified international treaty law.

The Black Hills Sioux Nation Treaty Council, acting under the guidelines of Article XI of the U.S. Constitution, reaffirms its declaration of inherent authority as a separate and distinct entity from the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act Government of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in the Interior Department of the United States Government. The Black Hills Sioux Nation Treaty Council is committed to upholding the 1851 and 1868 Ft. Laramie Treaties and will employ its' inherent authority to decision making and leadership to protect the integrity of, and our rights in these treaties.

Chief Red Cloud, 90, told Obama the Black Hills are not -- and have never been -- for sale. The following letter was sent to President Obama:

The Honorable Barack H. Obama
President of the United States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

I am the Itancan (chief) of the Oglala Lakota Band of the Great Sioux Nation and Chairman of the Black Hills Sioux Nation Treaty Council, the traditional governing body of the eight bands of the Lakota Nation.

The Lakota Nation entered into and has always abided by the provisions of the Fort Laramie Treaties of 1851 and 1868. However, the United States of America has repeatedly violated and unilaterally attempted to abrogate the Treaties in violation of accepted international standards and codified international treaty law.

The Black Hills Sioux Nation Treaty Council, acting under the guidelines of Article XI of the U.S. Constitution, reaffirms its declaration of inherent authority as a separate and distinct entity from the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act Government of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in the Interior Department of the United States Government. The Black Hills Sioux Nation Treaty Council is committed to upholding the 1851 and 1868 Ft. Laramie Treaties and will employ its' inherent authority to decision making and leadership to protect the integrity of, and our rights in these treaties.

The I.R.A. Government acts as an extension of the United States and carries out its orders.
Your office has sent a mandate to Lakota Bands to initiate a dialogue concerning the Black Hills Land Claim Settlement. How can the United States Government negotiate with I.R.A. Governments, which is an extension of itself?

It is necessary to issue this statement due to current discussions between I.R.A. Tribal Presidents, regarding the United States Governments' Supreme Court action to award monies for the illegal taking of the 1851 and 1868 Ft. Laramie Treaty Territory and other Treaty violations.

We forever oppose the acceptance of any money for our sacred lands.

We recently met with U.S. Senator John Thune's staff to discuss our frustration with the I.R.A. Governments blatant disregard for our inherent authority over treaty issues.

I am 90 years old now. I have spent the better part of my adult life fighting for the return of our sacred He Sapa (Black Hills). I want to create something better for the next seven generations.

I would like to meet with you as soon as possible to address our concerns. Please have your staff contact my administrative assistant, Natalie Hand at (605) 867-5762 , for scheduling.

Chief Oliver Red Cloud


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