Habitat of Astyanax, Bujurquina, Chaetostoma, Crenicichla, Leporinus and others in nature

Описание к видео Habitat of Astyanax, Bujurquina, Chaetostoma, Crenicichla, Leporinus and others in nature

Check out this pristine small habitat located between the Andes and the Sierra de la Macarena, this small river is home to a large diversity of fish, including Cordylancistrus sp., several Chaetostoma, Hypostomus sp., Lasiancistrus sp., Farlowella sp., Imparfinis sp., Astyanax festae, Astyanax metae, Charax, Leporinus striatus, Leporinus orthomaculatus, Leporellus vittatus, Creagrutus calai, Hemigrammus barrigonae, Crenicichla cf.anthurus, Apistogramma alacrina, Bujurquina mariae, Prochilodus mariae, Salminus affinis, and many others. It is the third instalment in the rivers of the Macarena series including
Rio Guejar with Salminus in nature:    • CHAETOSTOMA ( rubber nose pleco ) and...  
and Apistogramma alacrina in nature:    • APISTOGRAMMA HONGSLOI & ALACRINA in t...  

lower Orinoco fish video:    • Lower Orinoco Cichlids in nature: Api...  
middle Orinoco fish video:    • Orinoco Aquascape in nature - 30 spec...  
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00:00 Introduction, north of the Sierra de la Macarena
00:20 habitat of Astyanax with Astyanax in nature
00:42 habitat of Leporellus in nature,
01:02 Rio Guayabero, crossing the Macarena range
01:55 habitat of Apistogramma alacrina in nature
02:07 habitat of Macarenia in nature
02:24 habitat of Salminus in nature, the Rio Guejar
02:56 habitat of Astyanax in nature
03:41 Tetra feeding frenzy in nature
04:47 habitat of pike cichlids, Crenicichla cf.anthurus in nature
04:57 habitat of Bujurquina in nature, cichlids breeding in nature
05:22 habitat of Creagrutus in nature
05:34 habitat of rubbernose pleco, Chaetostoma in nature
05:54 Chaetostoma breeding in nature, rubbernose pleco eggs
06:03 cichlids in nature
06:35 pike cichlids breeding in nature, Crencichla with fry
06:46 Leporinus orthomaculatus in nature
07:00 habitat of Farlowella in nature
07:07 flagtail in nature, Prochilodus in their habitat
07:35 Hemigrammus in nature, Hemigrammus barrigonae habitat
07:52 Hoplias in nature, wolf fish habitat
08:45 Charax in nature, predatory fish habitat

Buy the Xingu book: https://belowwater.com
video:    • Rio Xingu Book Release - check out th...  

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