Orinoco Aquascape in nature - 30 species fish community - Farlowella , Corydoras - Crenicichla !

Описание к видео Orinoco Aquascape in nature - 30 species fish community - Farlowella , Corydoras - Crenicichla !

Orinoco aquascape in nature, this video shows the beginning of the lowland Rio Chaviripa, below a gigantic waterfall a fish community of species from the Orinoco share the space in a fantastic aquascape. See 30 species, including Farlowella, Loricaria, Leporinus, Crenicichla, Satanoperca, Geophagus, Serrasalmus and Corydoras in nature in this beautiful habitat !

Japanese Version:    • オリノコ川 の 水中 風景 多種多様 な 熱帯魚 が 混泳 コリドラス  ...  

Chapters Index:
00:00 Introduction Orinoco Fish community
00:31 the edge of the Guiana Shield
01:03 the river zones with many species
01:29 riverweed plants in nature
02:01 zone 1, the boulders below the waterfall
02:10 Astyanax in nature
02:47 Steindachneria guentheri
02:52 Farlowella in nature - in the highest flow
03:14 Loricaria in nature
03:43 zone 2, the bedrock below the boulders
03:57 Parodon in nature
04:18 Flagtail characins in nature ( Semaprochilodus in nature )
04:59 Brycon in nature
05:07 zone 3, the newborn river aquascape
05:14 Satanoperca in nature , eartheater
05:23 pike cichlid : Crenicichla in nature
05:43 Leporinus orthomaculatus in nature
05:59 Crenicichla sveni in the natural habitat - pike cichlid in nature
06:29 bristlenose pleco in nature - Ancistrus natural habitat
06:49 Moenkhausia in nature
07:03 Jupiaba in nature
07:20 Leporinus frederici in nature
07:44 Geophagus in nature , Geophagus abalios
08:03 piranhas in nature , Serrasalmus rhombeus habitat , Pristobrycon striolatus habitat
08:40 the Orinoco aquascape with many species
08:49 Leporinus fasciatus in nature
09:00 Metynnis orinocensis in nature , silver dollar in nature
09:25 freshwater barracuda in nature , Acestrorhynchus microlepis
09:31 zone 4, the shallows
09:35 Brachychalcinus orbicularis in nature
09:56 Creagrutus in nature
10:01 Corydoras in nature
10:04 Characidium in nature , darter tetra
10:13 Moenkhausia colletti in nature
10:40 Aequidens in nature
10:45 Anostomus ternetzi in nature
10:55 Ramirezi in nature , blue ram - Microgeophagus ramirezi
11:04 Mastiglanis asopus
11:18 Conclusion

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