《超然的經歷》"The Pursuit of God"-陶恕(A.W. Tozer)

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《超然的經歷》"The Pursuit of God"-陶恕(A.W. Tozer)

《超然的經歷》是陶恕(A.W. Tozer)的一本基督教靈修經典,探討了追求與上帝更深層關係的主題。這本書向信徒們發出了熱情的呼喚,要求他們尋求與上帝的真實和轉變性的相遇,超越了僅僅宗教儀式和傳統。




"The Pursuit of God" by A.W. Tozer is a Christian spiritual classic that explores the topic of pursuing a deeper relationship with God. The book presents a passionate call to believers to seek a genuine and transformative encounter with God beyond mere religious rituals and traditions.

Tozer emphasizes the importance of a personal and intimate relationship with God and encourages readers to cultivate a hunger and thirst for Him. He challenges the notion that many Christians settle for a superficial understanding of God and exhorts them to pursue Him wholeheartedly.

The book is divided into ten chapters, each addressing different aspects of the believer's pursuit of God. Tozer discusses topics such as the attributes of God, the need for solitude and silence in seeking God, the role of faith and obedience, and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. He explores the idea that God desires to be known and experienced by His people and offers practical guidance on how to cultivate a deeper spiritual life.

"The Pursuit of God" presents a thought-provoking and inspiring exploration of the believer's journey towards a deeper knowledge of God. It challenges readers to examine their own relationship with God and to seek Him with sincerity, humility, and passion. Through its timeless message, the book continues to impact and encourage Christians in their pursuit of a closer walk with God.




00:00:00 第00小時00分鐘:《超然的經歷》-陶恕-一,永恆的神,"我怎樣與摩西同在,也必照樣與你同在。"(書一章5節)。
00:15:21 第00小時15分鐘:願主救我們脫離這些無益與萎疲的空望,好多人說巴不得我們活在亞伯拉罕的日子,或是保羅的日子,因爲他們的日子勝過今日,這委實是小孩氣,願神爲我們洗除。
00:30:07 第00小時30分鐘:照樣,一個基督徒知道自己軟弱與不完全,也不敢倚賴自己的聖潔來得神的悅納。
00:45:07 第00小時45分鐘:(約六章三十七節)。若不是差我來的父吸引人,就沒有能到我這裏來的。
01:00:13 第01小時00分鐘:"我的弟兄們,你們信奉我們榮耀的主耶穌基督,便不可按外貌待人。
01:15:24 第01小時15分鐘:一個小孩食補品,但他不知道化學或飲食學爲何物。村童雖未曾聽過佛洛伊德與厄爾力斯爲何人,也體會純潔愛情的美麗。
01:45:05 第01小時45分鐘:他們早已把它消滅了。
02:15:00 第02小時15分鐘:如果是說主耶穌與教會的關係(許多基督徒都如此相信),當祂(良人)找到新婦的時候,祂喜樂的情感豈不是溢於言表。
02:30:41 第02小時30分鐘:令人含笑入獄,令人不畏懼死刑,這是歷史上最大的奇事,是世界不可思義的奇蹟。


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